
fake hate crimes: a database of hate crime hoaxes in the usa

The purpose of this site is to compile a comprehensive database of the false reports of "hate crimes" committed (mostly) in the USA. It builds on the work of Laird Wilcox, whose Crying Wolf (PDF) is the original book on this subject. The books Hate Crime Hoax and Hate Crimes: Criminal Law & Identity Politics are also recommended.

Report 229.

Articles/programs Details
315. Syrian refugee admits to setting shelter on fire, spray-painting swastikas to frame far-right / A Syrian refugee has admitted to setting fire to a migrant hostel and painting swastikas to make it look it was Nazis who did it. / 2016-04-11
316. Feuer in Asyl-Unterkunft: Der Schuldige scheint gefasst / Syrian started fire in migrant center. / 2015-10-08
Type of hoax: admitted - victim or accomplice(s) committed crime


Inglostadt Bavaria

The perpetrator, a Syrian immigrant, admitted to painting swastikas before starting the fire.
