514. Police conducted a thorough investigation and found only the supposed victim’s DNA on the noose and ... 2025-01-10 Allentown PA |
Woman accused of leaving noose on her own desk at Allentown City Hall, then reporting it / Original story: https://6abc.com/post/item-resembling-noose-found-employees-desk-allentown-city-hall/15787384/
Item resembling a noose found on city employee’s desk.
Update: https://6abc.com/post / 2025-03-24
513. The Australian police have said the caravan filled with explosives and Jewish addresses in Dural, S... 2025-01-19 Dural AU |
The low-level crooks linked to Sydney antisemitic attacks / Recent alleged antisemitic incidents: the prime minister has hinted that "foreign actors" may be involved. An article in the Sydney Morning Herald claims that the suspects are "low-level crooks" who ar / 2025-03-15
512. Feds say Wayne County home explosion hate crime was scheme to defraud insurance company 2019-08-08 Wayne County Ohio |
Woman gets 2 years in connection with blowing up own home in hate crime hoax / Woman pleads guilty to mail fraud, gets 2 years in connection with blowing up own home in hate crime hoax.
/ 2025-02-19
511. The school district investigated the allegation of racial slurs and found no proof. The school distr... 2025-02-22 West Deptford NJ |
‘Absolutely no evidence’ of racial slurs at NJ wrestling meet: superintendent / During a wrestling meet on February 22, 2025, fans accused other fans of using racial slurs. However, an investigation found no proof. / 2025-03-03
510. There have been several spectacular apparent antisemitic incidents in Australia recently, including ... 2025-01-19 Sydney AU |
The low-level crooks linked to Sydney antisemitic attacks / Recent alleged antisemitic incidents: the prime minister has hinted that "foreign actors" may be involved. An article in the Sydney Morning Herald claims that the suspects are "low-level crooks" who ar / 2025-03-15
509. Victim admitted she lied and has been charged. 2024-04-16 Middleton PA |
Pennsylvania woman's heinous excuse after falsely accusing man she never met of attempted rape and kidnapping / A Pennsylvania woman said she falsely accused an innocent man she never met of trying to rape and kidnap her all because he looked 'creepy'.
Anjela Borisova Urumova, 20, pleaded guilty on Thursda
508. Complainant has admitted scrawling own vulgar hate messages around Rhodes College plaza 2024-11-27 Memphis TN |
Racist Graffiti Found at Rhodes College Turns Out to be a Hoax / "A message stating, “F*ck N****rs, Trump Rules” was found on @RhodesCollege campus. The individual who reported the message just admitted the whole thing was fabricated." Individual will be held accoun / 2024-12-20
507. A black student claimed a banner outside a fraternity had a 'blackface' of Uncle Sam. In reality, th... 2024-07-09 Fort Collins Colorado |
HOAX: Colo. State U. frat’s ‘blackface’ banner due to ink bleeding / An alleged “blackface” banner outside of a frat house at Colorado State University turned out to just look that way due to rain and lighting.
/ 2024-12-05
506. DOJ indicted three blacks for defacing black candidate's sign and burning a cross, in a false-flag a... 2023-04-23 Colorado Springs CO |
Three People Indicted on Charges Related to Hate Crime Hoax / A "Black ops" team of three black citizens allegedly defaced the campaign sign of a black candidate running against a white candidate, and ignited a KKK-style cross, then spread false information via a / 2024-11-12
505. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hlMWTK-fulS2yvmXokr_cqY7kY-qY9It/view?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2T... 2011-06-24 Escanaba Mi |
504. It was an acne mask, not blackface. The were expelled, but now they won the lawsuit against the scho... 2017-08-01 Mountain view California |
Catholic School Boys Expelled over ‘Blackface’ Acne Mask Selfie Win $1 Million in Court / In 2017 3 14 year old boys put on dark green acne masks and took a selfie. During the 2020 race riots (ironically over another hate crime hoax) the photo went viral and 2 of the students were expelled / 2024-05-09
503. Video proves and witnesses agree that claimed assault never took place. 2023-08-21 Denver CO |
Radical Activists Nearly Ruined a Denver Mom with Racism Charge. Then the Evidence Came Out / Black agitator at school board meeting claims white female grabbed him painfully and called him a "dumb n----." / 2024-09-03
502. "Jewish suspects arrested" and other evidence of 13 more hoaxes in several countries - see @MusaHake... 2017-06-11 Petah Tikva Israel |
A compilation on antisemitism and its allegations. / This is a list of fake hate crimes, allegedly committed against Jews, compiled by X account @MusaHakeem010
/ 2024-07-10
501. A black Muslim student claimed her Jewish roommate threatened to stab her. However, she initially de... 2023-10-11 Seattle Washington |
‘No probable cause’: Black Muslim’s knife allegation against Jewish roommate falls apart / Law enforcement and the University of Washington dismissed a black Muslim student's claim that her Jewish roommate threatened her with a knife. The Muslim student also claimed her roommate made a Face / 2024-07-11
500. House speaker Mike Johnson claimed "Jewish students are being stabbed in the eye." There is only one... 2024-04-20 New Haven CT |
Who is Sahar Tartak? Jewish Yale student who claims she was stabbed in the eye with Palestine flag amid protests / In a careful analysis of the alleged antisemitism crisis on American campuses, the Hindustan Times scrutinizes the claim of Sahar Tartak that she was stabbed in the eye with a Palestine flagpole,
499. Twitter account @zei_squirrel has not only exposed most of the Israeli claims about October 7, 2023,... 2023-10-07 New York NY |
Anat Schwartz liked posts calling for Gaza to be turned into a "slaughterhouse". / The journalists used by the New York Times to write their October 7th hoax liked tweets calling for Gaza to be turned into a 'slaughterhouse,' and for the Israelis to 'violate all norms' in their reven / 2024-02-24
498. The person shouting the offensive antisemitic phrase is one of the counterprotestors against the pro... 2024-05-01 Boston MA |
Another pro-Israel hate crime hoax / The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the mass arrest of student anti-genocide protesters at Boston's Northeastern University for a hateful phrase uttered by a pro-Israel counter-protest / 2024-05-03
497. Alleged anti-Semitic attacks in Canada carried out by Jews: one on a kosher Italian-style café in Wi... 2019-04-18 Winnipeg Canada |
Anti-Semitic attack on kosher cafe in Canada was staged by owners, police say / Police charged the owners of the BerMax Caffe and Bistro in Winnipeg, in central Canada, with public mischief. The investigation of the April 18 incident involved 25 police officers and 1,000 hours of / 2019-04-25
496. The lady got caught 2020-12-01 Atlanta Georgia |
Black woman accused of posing as KKK member, leaving threatening notes for neighbors / Black residents received numerous notes in their mailbox from the KKK for 11 months. The letters said that they were gonna burn their houses down. Turns out it was a black lady sending them. / 2021-10-03
495. Illinois State University interviewed 47 people and reviewed footage from various cameras and could ... 2023-12-11 Normal Illinois |
Illinois State can’t ‘verify the use of a racial slur’ by fan / A black basketball player, and subsequently his coach, claimed a basketball fan at Illinois State University hurled a racial slur at him during a game. However, an exhaustive investigation, including i / 2024-01-30
494. There are numerous inconsistencies between what witnesses claimed to have seen happen in Israel on O... 2023-12-28 New York NY |
Screams without proof: questions for NYT about shoddy ‘Hamas mass rape’ report / Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté take apart the New York Times' article claiming there is evidence of rape, and other atrocities, committed by Hamas on Oct 7. Neither the bereaved, nor the Israeli police / 2023-12-28
493. There is no 'anti-Jew discrimination' in US universities today. On Dec 5 2023, Congressmen asked the... 2023-12-05 Washington DC |
Walls close in on Jew-haters as government starts investigations of campus anti-Semitism / Campus Reform is a valuable source for exposing fake hate crimes. But there is one kind of hate, antisemitism, it exaggerates, much as campus leftists exaggerate other kinds of bigotry. / 2023-12-14
492. Compilation of 19 known campus hate crime hoaxes in 2023 2023-12-18 All All |
There were 19 campus hate crime hoaxes in 2023 / Article lists 19 known campus hate crime hoaxes of 2023, many not reported here at fakehatecrimes / 2023-12-18
491. Black woman caught trying to burn down MLK Jr. birth house. 2023-12-07 Atlanta Georgia |
National Park Service evaluating security measures following arson attempt at MLK home / Someone tried to burn down MLK Jr’s birth home last night.
They were spotted by tourists and detained until the cops arrived, and arrested her:
A black woman.
Another fake hate crime that cou / 2023-12-08
490. Police confirm injuries actually inflicted by victim's brother 2023-10-22 North Ridgeville Ohio |
Fake Hate: Police File Charges Against Ohio Man Who Allegedly Faked Anti-Palestinian Hate Crime / Hospitalized 20yo Palestinian-American Hesham Ayyad blames injuries on truculent Jewish hit-and-run driver. Police confirm he was actually beaten by 19yo brother Khalil. / 2023-11-19
489. ASU law professor publishes reports of fake hate crimes against Muslims 2023-11-11 Phoenix Arizona |
ASU Law Professor Deletes Viral Tweet Detailing Fake Racial Attack Against Muslims / ASU law professor with large social media following posts claims of hate crimes against Muslims that are later proven to be fakes / 2023-11-14
488. Local police say no reports of a Muslim being attacked by a pro-Israel individual have been reported... 2023-10-31 Chapel Hill North Carolina |
Police: No evidence Israel supporter attacked UNC Muslim student with knife / The Muslim Students Association claimed a member was attacked by a knife-wielding pro-Israel individual, but the police say no evidence has been submitted. / 2023-11-01
487. “The chalking was created by a Jewish community member who was trying to use irony and sarcasm to dr... 2023-11-01 Palo Alto CA |
Saller and Martinez speak on Israel-Gaza at Faculty Senate meeting / A Jewish student at Stanford wrote antisemitic messages in chalk on the sidewalk in order to try to discredit the pro-Palestinian students. He admitted it, and apologized. / 2023-11-03
486. An investigation by the University of Dallas cleared the professor of any wrongdoing. 2023-02-01 Dallas Texas |
Conservative white professor falsely accused of harassing black student in viral video / A black student accused a white professor of harassing her for loudly playing something on her laptop. An investigation cleared the professor of any wrongdoing, but the student still posted videos, mon / 2023-10-19
485. Historically black college’s allegations of fan racism debunked by investigation 2023-09-26 Greensboro VA |
VA State U's claim of racial slurs unfounded / Claims by VA State U alums of "racial slurs and monkey noises" from Guilford women's soccer fans during game refuted by investigation. / 2023-10-04