
fake hate crimes: a database of hate crime hoaxes in the usa

The purpose of this site is to compile a comprehensive database of the false reports of "hate crimes" committed (mostly) in the USA. It builds on the work of Laird Wilcox, whose Crying Wolf (PDF) is the original book on this subject. The books Hate Crime Hoax and Hate Crimes: Criminal Law & Identity Politics are also recommended.

New report

318. Black student makes threats to other blacks and Mexicans via instagram. Found out he was black once... 2017-09-11 Philly PA https://downtrend.com/71superb/false-alarm-person-w... West Chester East student charged with making death threats to minority students / West Chester East student charged with making death threats to minority students / 2017-09-12
317. Flyers containing crude hatred of Muslims were distributed at George Washington University bearing t... 2017-09-11 Washington DC https://www.thecollegefix.com/post/36640/ Fake flyers portray conservative student group as anti-Muslim; police investigating / Someone distributed flyers at George Washington University which falsely claimed to be from Young America’s Foundation asking “Hate Muslims? So do we!!!” and promoting an “Islamo-fascism awareness week / 2017-09-11
316. "Victim" pled guilty 2017-02-10 Schenectady NY http://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/New-York-man-admits-t... NEW YORK MAN ADMITS TO PAINTING SWASTIKAS ON HIS OWN HOME / 2017-09-06
315. The Sheridan Police Department stated that Joshua Witt, 26, admitted to making up a story, that he w... 2017-08-16 Sheridan Colorado http://www.9news.com/news/crime/victim-who-told-pol... Victim who told police he was stabbed due to 'Neo Nazi' haircut was lying, police say / The Sheridan Police Department stated that Joshua Witt, 26, admitted to making up a story, that he was stabbed after being mistaken for a neo-Nazi because of his haircut, when police confronted him wit / 2017-08-28
314. A reported “noose” tied to the back of a city truck in August, which stirred already simmering racia... 2014-12-12 Oakland California http://www.mercurynews.com/2014/12/12/citywise-city... City report debunks ‘noose’ allegation at Oakland corporation yard / A reported “noose” tied to the back of a city truck in August, which stirred already simmering racial tensions at Oakland’s Corporation Yard, was not an intended act of racial harassment, a city-commis / 2014-12-12
313. We don't know whether it is a hoax or not, but the author of the Guardian article about it does. 2017-08-05 Bloomington MN https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2016/12/16/upda... Update: 1,094 Bias-Related Incidents in the Month Following the Election / The SPLC estimates that just over 1% of reported hate crimes are fake / 2016-12-16
312. One of the women involved claims the man tried to pull her hijab. Nearly all the media say "police i... 2017-07-15 London UK https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4030403/architect-28-... TUBE RAMPAGE ROW Architect, 28, DENIES ripping off woman’s hijab on Tube platform after photo of alleged Islamaphobic attack went viral and cops launched investigation / Aniso Abulkadir posted a picture on Twitter of a man she claimed attempted to rip off her hijab at Baker Street station. But Pawel Uczci
310. Brian K Telfair, black former Petersburg City Attorney, racially threatened himself & black workers.... 2016-02-16 Petersburg VA http://www.richmond.com/news/local/central-virginia... Court records: Ex-Petersburg city attorney made phony call to himself claiming racial threats to city leaders / Brian K. Telfair, a black former Petersburg City Attorney, racially threatened himself & other black city employees on Feb. 16, 2016. Telfair threatened from a phone that was purchased at his reque
309. The police have arrested a 22 year old woman, Aisha Ismail, for setting fire to a mosque which she a... 2017-06-22 Des Moines IA http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/crime-a... Woman suspected of arson at Des Moines mosque / CNN: "Anonymous sources confirm Trump Inspired White Nationalist behind mosque arson". The police have now arrested a 22 year old woman, Aisha Ismail, who is probably not a white nationalist. / 2017-06-23
308. There is no evidence that it was a hate crime, despite the Islamic dress worn by the 17-year-old vic... 2017-06-18 Sterling VA http://people.com/crime/muslim-teen-sexually-assaul... Muslim Teen Sexually Assaulted and Killed After Leaving Virginia Mosque, Suspect Arrested / Virginia police say remains found in a pond in Sterling on Sunday are that of a 17-year-old Muslim girl who was allegedly sexually assaulted and murdered after leaving a mosque with her friends. / 2017-06-19
307. The Manhattan District Attorney dropped charges against a 26-year-old man who was accused of kicking... 2017-03-12 Manhattan New York http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/charg... Charges dropped against man accused of anti-gay hate crime / A 50-year-old man who claimed he was the victim of an anti-gay bias attack outside Madison Square Garden has been arrested — not only for making up the incident, but also for attacking the man who was / 2017-04-10
306. A summary of recent fake hate crimes on campus from "The College Fix" 2017-06-14 Washington DC https://www.thecollegefix.com/post/33530/ So much fake hate during the 2016-17 school year: a best-of list / Many of the fake hate crimes of the last year have been on campus / 2017-06-14
305. Pakistani-American college student lied about being abducted, racially assaulted & robbed. 2017-05-25 New York City NY http://pix11.com/2017/05/27/queens-college-student-... Queens College student recants story about being robbed, threatened by masked men: police sources / Unnamed Pakistani-American college student in Hillcrest, Queens initially claimed that 3 masked men in a black van abducted, racially assaulted & robbed him. He later recanted his claim to the police. / 2017-05-
304. A black woman, Tiffany Robinson-Clarke, falsely accused a white cop of racial abuse during a stop. 2017-01-29 Rochester NY http://auburnpub.com/news/local/police-woman-falsel... Police: Woman falsely accused trooper of making racial slurs in Cayuga County traffic stop / Tiffany Robinson-Clarke, a black woman, falsely accused a white cop of using racial slurs during a traffic stop. Their recorded conversation refuted her allegation & she was charged w/ false reporting. / 2017-05-04
303. A black man, Justin Lamar Coleman, posed as a white man & sent racist death threats to other blacks.... Knoxville TN http://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/crime/2017/04/13... Feds: Black man posed as racist, sent threatening letters / A black man, Justin Lamar Coleman, impersonated a white man while sending numerous racist letters and death threats to many local black people between July and December of 2016. / 2017-04-13
301. Student confessed to incident. 2017-04-28 Northfield MN https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-point/wp/... A racist note sparked protests at a Minnesota college. The school now says the message was fake. / A racist threat against a black student at St. Olaf College was determined to be fabricated and not a genuine threat according to the college president. / 2017-05-10
300. Church organist George Nathaniel Stang vandalized the church where he worked w/ hateful graffiti. 2016-11-20 Bean Blossom IN http://www.theindychannel.com/news/crime/pc-church-... PC: Church organist who reported vandalism was actually the one who did it / George Nathaniel Stang confessed to local police that he spray painted a swastika, the words "Heil Trump" & a homophobic slur on the church where he worked. His intention was to "mobilize a movement". / 2017-05-03
299. An assistant professor, Azhar Hussain, was charged with fabricating anti-Muslim threats & an assault... 2017-03-08 Terre Haute IN http://www.tribstar.com/news/isu-professor-arrested... ISU professor arrested, accused of making up threats and attack / Azhar Hussain, an assistant ISU professor, was charged by local police with falsely reporting anti-Muslim threats & an assault against himself. Local police believe his intention was to elicit sympathy / 2017-04-21
298. A black man has been charged with leaving a threatening letter outside a Nepali/Indian store claimin... 2017-04-01 Charlotte NC http://wfae.org/post/hate-crime-white-america-leads... Hate Crime By 'White America' Leads To Black Man's Arrest / Nepal-Indian merchant threatened with torture if he didn't leave country. Signed "White America." Police arrested black man after reviewing video tape. /
297. The “Diversity Leadership Council” at Gustavus Adolphus College has admitted to posting racially off... 2017-03-24 St. Peter MN http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=8965http://www.camp... College ‘Diversity Council’ Posts FAKE Racist Flyers / The “Diversity Leadership Council” at Gustavus Adolphus College has admitted to posting racially offensive posters around campus after the school’s Bias Response Team received multiple reports on the m / 2017-03-24
296. Israeli police say they have arrested a 19-year-old Israeli Jewish man as the primary suspect in a s... 2017-03-01 http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/03/23/israeli-man... Israeli man arrested in US Jewish community center bomb threats / Israeli police say they have arrested a 19-year-old Israeli Jewish man as the primary suspect in a string of bomb threats targeting Jewish community centers in the U.S.. Police spokesman Micky Rosen / 2017-03-23
295. Jewish man Andrew King spray painted his home with 3 swastikas & claimed to be a victim. 2017-02-10 Schenectady NY http://www.syracuse.com/state/index.ssf/2017/03/jew... Jewish man arrested after spray painting swastikas on his own home in Upstate NY / Andrew King, a Jewish man, spray painted 3 swastikas on his home & reported the incident to the police. The police later determined that he fabricated the hate crime & charged him with false reporting. / 2017-03-21
294. Halley Bass falsely reported that a white man scratched her face because she wore a "solidarity pin"... 2016-11-15 Ann Arbor MI http://amp.mlive.com/v1/articles/20274103/ann_arbor... Ann Arbor woman pleads guilty to making up hate crime / Halley Bass pleaded guilty to fabricating an assault in which she claimed a white man scratched her face because she wore a "solidarity pin". In fact, the wound was self-inflicted in a literature class / 2017-03-07
293. CNN & SPLC blames whites for bomb threats made by black leftist 2017-02-22 St Louis Missouri http://dailycaller.com/2017/03/03/anti-trump-commun... Anti-Trump Communist Arrested For Jewish Community Center Bomb Threats / Juan Thompson, 31, was arrested in St. Louis by the FBI for making at least eight bomb threats and the cyberstalking of an ex-girlfriend. / 2017-03-03
292. Vandals not responsible for tipped graves at Jewish cemetery 2017-03-05 Brooklyn New York http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/brooklyn/vandal... Vandals not responsible for dozens of tipped graves at Jewish cemetery in Brooklyn, management says / Police and the general manager of a Jewish cemetery in Brooklyn said that 42 fallen headstones were not caused by vandals, saying Sunday that the memorials had naturally tipped over due to age / 2017-03-05
291. False report of anti-Muslim abuse on a Chicago bus. 2015-12-11 Chicago Illinois http://www.refinery29.com/2015/12/99388/muslim-woma... This Woman Had The Perfect Response For The Man Who Spit At Her In Anti-Muslim Attack / A woman named Sharareh Delara Drury, who describes herself as a journalist, claimed that she was accosted on a Michigan Avenue bus in Chicago. Her story was first posted on her Facebook page and then r / 2015-12-11
290. Two black students charged for posting racist messages supporting the Ku Klux Klan 1998-10-30 Oxford OH http://enquirer.com/editions/1999/01/22/loc_two_bla... Two black students charged in racial vandalism at Miami / Two black Miami University students were charged for allegedly posting racist messages supporting the Ku Klux Klan at the college's black learning center. / 1999-01-22
289. Montreal man charged with terror hoax after bomb threat targeting Muslim university students 2017-03-02 Montreal Quebec http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/montreal-con... Montreal man charged with terror hoax after bomb threat targeting Muslim university students / Hisham Saadi, 47, has been charged with carrying out a hoax regarding terrorist activity, uttering threats and mischief in connection with the Concordia University bomb threat Wednesday. / 2017-03-02
288. Racist graffiti found at high school. Suspect is "non-Caucasian" say officials. 2017-02-27 Lakeville MN http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2017/02/28/lakeville-... Lakeville Officials Say ‘Non-Caucasian,’ Special Ed Student Behind Graffiti / Racist graffiti found in Minnesota high school. After initial media furore, non-white student alleged to have done the crime by officials. "District officials said the incident was very unfortunate / 2017-02-28
287. There are two sides to the story. The waitress says customers left a racist note, the customers say ... 2017-01-07 Ashburn VA http://wtop.com/loudoun-county/2017/02/lawyer-racis... Lawyer: Racist note on Loudoun Co. restaurant bill is fake / The lawyer who represents the customers who allegedly left a racist note on Loudoun Co. restaurant bill says the story is fake. The local NAACP is standing behind the waitress, but also said it's s / 2017-02-24

New report