
fake hate crimes: a database of hate crime hoaxes in the usa

The purpose of this site is to compile a comprehensive database of the false reports of "hate crimes" committed (mostly) in the USA. It builds on the work of Laird Wilcox, whose Crying Wolf (PDF) is the original book on this subject. The books Hate Crime Hoax and Hate Crimes: Criminal Law & Identity Politics are also recommended.

New report

350. 50 fake hate crimes at colleges covered by The College Fix in the last seven years 2019-02-18 New York NY https://www.thecollegefix.com/here-are-50-campus-ha... Here are 50 campus hate-crime hoaxes The College Fix has covered since 2012 / 50 hate hoaxes at colleges covered by The College Fix in the last seven years / 2019-02-18
349. Jussie Smollett was allegedly attacked by Trump Supporters in Downtown Chicago. 2019-01-29 Chicago IL https://nypost.com/2019/02/11/jussie-smolletts-neig... Jussie Smollett’s neighbors cast doubt on his attack story / Meanwhile, Chicago police said Sunday that Smollett has yet to turn over data from his cellphone to verify that he was on the phone with his music manager, Brandon Moore, when he was allegedly attacked / 2019-02-11
348. Jussie Smollet was suppose to have been attacked by Trump supporters wearing a MAGA hat. None of his... 2019-01-29 Chicago Illinois https://nypost.com/2019/02/11/jussie-smolletts-neig... Jussie Smollett’s neighbors cast doubt on his attack story / Meanwhile, Chicago police said Sunday that Smollett has yet to turn over data from his cellphone to verify that he was on the phone with his music manager, Brandon Moore, when he was allegedly attacked / 2019-02-11
347. Not exactly a fake hate crime, but an outburst of hate against a group of white schoolchildren based... 2019-01-20 Washington DC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPiK_Tdh9Vg Native Activists Lied, Media Covered For Them in MAGA Incident / SJW reporters called for violence against the school students, who were peacefully opposing a group of black extremists calling them "faggots", etc.. The fake story went viral, and one of the students / 2019-01-21
346. A seven-year-old black girl was shot dead in Houston. The media claimed it was a hate crime after a ... 2018-12-30 Houston TX https://infowars.com/white-supremacist-shooting-of-... ‘WHITE SUPREMACIST’ SHOOTING OF 7-YEAR-OLD BLACK GIRL; GUNMAN TURNS OUT TO BE BLACK / A seven-year-old black girl was shot dead in Houston. The media claimed it was a hate crime after a witness saw a white man running away. It turns out he was running away from the gunshots. Two suspect / 2019-01-06
345. In mid-November, a Drake University student told school officials she had received four racist notes... 2018-11-13 Des Moines Iowa https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/crime-... Drake University officials: Four of the five racist notes found on campus were hoaxes / 2018-11-30
344. Black college lacrosse player, 21, is arrested for racist N-word and swastika graffiti targeting HIM... 2018-11-14 Towson Maryland https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6450101/Bl... Black college lacrosse player, 21, is arrested for racist N-word and swastika graffiti targeting HIMSELF and other minority students in two incidents that terrorized the campus / Black college lacrosse player, 21, is arrested for racist N-word and swastika graffiti targeting HIMSELF and other minority students
343. Black guy spray paints racist stuff and swastikas. Gets arrested because he was caught on camera. 2018-11-27 Antioch CA https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/11/27/man-suspecte... Man suspected of vandalizing Antioch with swastikas, other symbols, arrested following tips / Man suspected of vandalizing Antioch with swastikas, other symbols, arrested following tips Three city vehicles, a door at City Hall and a business were all spray-painted with racial slurs, vulgar wor / 2018-11-27
342. Racist slur on note pinned to student's door at Kansas State was written by the student herself 2018-11-05 Manhattan Kansas https://www.kansas.com/news/local/education/article... For second time in two years, racist slur at Kansas State was a hoax, police say / For the second time in two years, the person who reported a written racist slur found on or near Kansas State University has admitted that it was a hoax, police said. Officers on Monday received a r / 2018-11-08
341. LGBTQ Student Senate member alleged she received death threats. She was later arrested because she s... 2018-09-27 Athens Ohio https://www.thepostathens.com/article/2018/10/anna-... Ohio University Student Senate member who claimed to have received death threats arrested for making false alarms / Anna Ayers, commissioner of the Ohio University Student Senate Appropriations Commission, was arrested by the OU Police Department on Monday and charged with three counts of making false alarms.
340. 19-year-old Adwoa Lewis told police Friday a group of four teenagers yelled "Trump 2016!" and stated... 2018-09-14 Long Island NY https://abc13.com/police-fake-trump-hate-crime-stor... Woman Arrested for Fabricating Hate Crime Story and Note / 19-year-old Adwoa Lewis told police Friday a group of four teenagers yelled "Trump 2016!" and stated that she didn't belong here. Lewis also claimed that after she parked her car in front of her hou / 2018-09-17
339. Not really a fake hate crime, but a false complaint of racism. A Nigerian doctor was struck off in t... 2011-02-18 Leicester UK http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/this-h... This had nothing to do with racism / Not really a fake hate crime, but a false complaint of racism. A Nigerian doctor was struck off in the UK for incompetence, claimed it was racism, and won. / 2018-08-20
338. Half white/half black steakhouse server wrote "we don't tip terrorists" on a receipt. Blamed patrons... 2018-07-14 Odessa TX https://www.yahoo.com/news/waiter-got-customer-barr... Waiter who got customer barred for ‘we don’t tip terrorist’ message ‘fabricated the entire story’ / 2018-07-24
337. Alleged assault by black man on 13yr old girl, calling her a "terrorist". Never happened. 2018-04-06 Woodbridge VA http://www.princewilliamtimes.com/news/update-polic... Police: Alleged victim falsely reported hate crime / 2018-04-10
336. Convicted of false claims of rape 2017-10-01 South Setauket NY http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/06/06/woman-pleads-g... Woman pleads guilty to making up rape allegations against two college football players / 2018-06-06
335. Police in northern Virginia say a girl has been charged after she lied to police, falsely reporting ... 2018-04-06 Woodbridge VA https://pilotonline.com/news/nation-world/virginia/... Girl who claimed she was attacked because of "religious attire" charged with lying to police / Police in northern Virginia say a girl has been charged after she lied to police, falsely reporting that she had been held at knifepoint by a man who ripped off her headscarf. Prince William County / 2018-04-10
334. The article reports feelings as if they are facts 2018-03-18 London UK https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/mar/19/a-t... A third of UK Muslims report abuse or crime while studying / A third of UK Muslims report abuse or crime while studying / 2018-03-18
333. "After a detailed investigation, police have determined that the events described in the original ne... 2018-01-12 Toronto ON http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/scarborough-h... Reported hijab attack on 11-year-old girl 'did not happen,' Toronto police say / 11-year-old Canadian girl claimed her hijab was ripped off of her. Now, "After a detailed investigation, police have determined that the events described in the original news release did not happen / 2018-01-15
332. Most of these campus fake hate crimes or graffiti were committed by members of the minorities they a... 2017-11-01 Many US https://www.thecollegefix.com/post/40361/ Year in Review: 17 campus hate crimes that turned out to be hoaxes in 2017 / 17 campus hate crimes that turned out to be hoaxes in 2017. Most of them were committed by members of the minority the hate crime (or graffiti) appeared to target. / 2017-12-26
331. Investigators conclude alleged victim is the perpetrator. 2017-11-15 Aircraft Carrier George HW Bush Atlantic https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2017/12/08... Sailor staged racist vandalism, Navy says / Black sailor vandalizes his own rack with racial slurs. NCIS investigation concludes the alleged victim staged the vandalism himself. / 2017-12-08
330. Black male vandalized five black churches, for which there is video surveillance evidence for the la... 2017-11-25 Morristown New Jersey http://www.dailywire.com/news/23988/heres-latest-ha... Black man vandalized five black churches / Black male vandalized five black churches, for which there is video surveillance evidence for the latest string of "hate crimes" discovered to be a hoax. The suspect, Zuri C. Towns, apparently attended / 2017-11-27
329. “This is very much a white person issue that we need to tackle as white people and speak up against,... 2017-11-16 Chesterfield MO http://fox2now.com/2017/11/21/student-admits-to-wri... Student admits to writing racist message in high school bathroom / CHESTERFIELD, Mo. – Officials at Parkway Central High School said a student has confessed to writing a racial slur and the phrase ‘White Lives Matter’ on a mirror inside a campus bathroom. In an ema / 2017-11-21
327. Cadet candidate allegedly targeted by racism found responsible for act... 2017-09-25 Air Force Academy Colorado http://dailycaller.com/2017/11/07/hate-hoax-air-for... HATE HOAX: Air Force Academy Cadet Candidate Wrote Fake Racist Messages Himself / Racist messages written on a whiteboard at the Air Force Academy in September that made national news and inspired an impassioned speech from a lieutenant general were written by a student supposedly v / 2017-11-07
326. Racist graffiti that was painted on a car parked near Kansas State University last week turned out a... 2017-11-06 Kansas State U Kansas http://dailycaller.com/2017/11/06/k-state-hate-graf... Hate Graffiti Turns Out To Be — You Guessed It — A Hoax / Racist graffiti that was painted on a car parked near Kansas State University last week turned out a hoax, and was written by the car’s owner. The words “Go Home N***** Boy” and “Whites Only” were p / 2017-11-07
324. Authorities charged a black man with arson Monday after he spray-painted “KKK” and a "Swastika" on c... Kansas City MO http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/30/church-arson-raci... Church Arson, Racist Graffiti Were Cover-Up For Theft By Black Employee, Say Feds / Authorities charged a black man with arson Monday after he spray-painted “KKK” and a "Swastika" on church property and set an office chair ablaze to throw off investigators. Documents filed in Feder / 2017-10-30
323. Candace Owens - 'RedPillBlack' - describes how a feminist tried to persuade her to abandon her onlin... 2016-04-27 New York NY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSAoitd1BTQ&t=2m The Rubin Report / Candace Owens - 'RedPillBlack' - describes how a feminist tried to persuade her to abandon her online project, to expose online bullies, because she would get threats from white supremacist men. Shortl / 2017-09-28
322. Eddie Curlin, a black man, was charged after spray painting racist graffiti targeting blacks at East... 2017-10-17 Ypsilanti MI https://articles.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/index.ssf... Eastern Michigan racist graffiti suspect arraigned / Eddie Curlin, a black man, spray painted racist graffiti messages including “Leave N******” & “KKK” on Eastern Michigan University’s campus. / 2017-10-23
321. Ronald Alford is charged with painting a swastika inside Maryland University. He is African-American... 2017-10-05 College Park MD https://www.thecollegefix.com/post/37909/ Man charged in U. Maryland swastika vandalism is black former UMD employee / Most of the media failed to mention that the man charged with painting a swastika at the University of Maryland is black. / 2017-10-15
320. 2017-09-13 Covevill VA http://www.richmond.com/news/local/central-virginia... Court records: Ex-Petersburg city attorney made phony call to himself claiming racial threats to city leaders / Brian K. Telfair, a black former Petersburg City Attorney, racially threatened himself & other black city employees on Feb. 16, 2016. Telfair threatened from a phone that was purchased at his reque
319. After a Polish man died in a drunken fight in August last year, the media claimed it was a murder in... 2016-08-27 Harlow UK http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/a-kill... A killing in Harlow: the shame of Remainers / Brendan O'Neill remembers the media-generated hysteria about the death of Arek Jozwik, a Polish man killed when a teenager hit him in a late night drunken fight - he fell over and his head hit the conc / 2017-09-15

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