
fake hate crimes: a database of hate crime hoaxes in the usa

The purpose of this site is to compile a comprehensive database of the false reports of "hate crimes" committed (mostly) in the USA. It builds on the work of Laird Wilcox, whose Crying Wolf (PDF) is the original book on this subject. The books Hate Crime Hoax and Hate Crimes: Criminal Law & Identity Politics are also recommended.

Report 420.

Articles/programs Details
587. No perpetrator found for noose discovered on Stieff Silver site / After a year's investigation into a noose reportedly found in a building under construction, the FBI could find no evidence of an actual hate crime being committed. The school overreacted typically, an / 2021-05-07
Type of hoax: admitted - crime never took place


Baltimore Maryland

FBI states after a year of investigation that no perpetrator or intent could be identified, and incident cannot be classed as a hate crime without some proof of intent.
